Saturday, March 9, 2013

Impact - Fluoride Panel Discussion (2012)

This roundtable debate on fluoridating Wichita's municipal water supply aired on KPTS.  It included Wichitans for Healthy Teeth members Pamela Amar, a lawyer, and dentist Dr Rob Daken against Dr. Steven L’Hommedieu of Advanced Alternatives for Health and Dr. Charles Hinshaw, the director of the Bio-Center Laboratory at the Riordan Clinic. 

After the opening speeches, the moderator states "So many issues are reduced to 'Who do you believe?' and whether there are any unstated motives that might influence a position or another.  What part does that play in this discussion?"  The lawyer immediately responds, in true lawyer fashion, with "I don't think it plays a part as far as the leading studies showing what [the truth is]."  I agree.  But, I find it enlightening to examine people's professions and expertise to really understand why they might have certain biases against a particular position.  Dr. Steven L'Hommedieu's Advanced Alternative for Health is exactly what it sounds like.  It's an "alternative" medicine center.  Here is a list of their services from their website:

  • Kinesiology
  • Natural Medicine
  • Nutrition
  • Chiropractic
  • Food and Environmental Sensitivity 
  • Assessment
  • Heavy Metal and Chemical Detoxification
  • Acupuncture
  • Low Level Cold Laser Therapy
  • Microcurrent Therapy
  • Laboratory Testing and Imaging
Possessing a comprehensive knowledge of kinesiology, natural medicine, nutrition, Chinese medicine and chiropractic, he is able to logically integrate alternative and science-based evaluations and procedures with cutting-edge accuracy [1]
Now, you can say that these services are "science-based" all day, but the fact of the matter is that most of these services contain large pseudoscience doses, well above the recommended level.  As Richard Dawkins says, "There is no such thing as alternative medicine.  There's medicine that works and medicine that doesn't."  

Moving on, Dr. Charles Hinshaw works for the Bio-Center Laboratory at the Riordan Clinic.  The Riordan Clinic is a natural health complex in Wichita that provides a holistic approach to medicine.  They have testing, supplements, event-space rentals, lectures. 
The Bio-Center Lab at the Riordan Clinic was established in 1975 and has dedicated itself to providing accurate clinical analysis focusing on nutritional medicine. Our specialties include testing for pyrroles, histamine, spermidine, spermine, cytotoxic food sensitivities, parasitology, analysis of red blood cell fatty acids and minerals, along with many vitamins [2].
Sounds scientific enough, until you investigate an article written by Dr. Charles Hinshaw which is posted on the site.  Entitled Flu Shots? Just the Facts, You Decide supposes that there is a real debate between scientists about whether flu vaccines are safe (there isn't).  And he suggests getting the real "facts" about flu shots from the dreaded pseudoscience/alternative medicine guru  I plan on writing a full debunking article on Dr. Mercola in the future (because he is often sourced by quack doctors) and will post a link here once its posted. 

Neither of these men are dentists and both are steeped in pseudoscientific thinking.  While this does not invalidate their arguments, its important to know as much information as possible to consider whether personal biases may influence their conclusions.

See also my fluoride mythology blog post, for specific refutations of studies presented against fluoridation.


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