Thursday, March 28, 2013

Janaza - Burning Quran Ceremony (2010)

Now before I launch into describing this band, there are a few websites which question whether or not this is a hoax, which it may very well be.  However, there is not much positive evidence to support this claim and they may be prematurely jumping to a conclusion without further supportive evidence, although the burden of proof is on the band to prove their legitimacy, since their claim of being a female-fronted anti-Islamic black metal band in Iraq is a large one (one that I am biased to believe is true).  The article traced the band's promo pictures and found them either to be doctored images of other bands or cut-and-paste photography artwork.  At the root of it, this is only evidence of whoever this is trying to hide their identity, whether that's because its an American college student making solo anti-Islamic black metal or it's legit and they realize that they would probably be murdered by Islamic fundamentalists in their own country had they released their actual photos, is up to you to decide (or to take the agnostic position, like I have, until further supportive evidence is presented).  Interviews with the front woman, known only as "Anahita" have only been through Facebook and not over phone, making her legitimacy harder to establish.

Janaza is a female-fronted black metal band from Iraq.  Musically, its nothing too terribly interesting.  Lyrically, its jaw-dropping considering its supposed source.  The intro is in Arabic, "Kill all the people who don't believe in Allah and don't believe in the judgment day."  I believe this is a reference to 10: Jonah in the Quran, a lovely chapter containing several enlightening statements.
10:4 Unto Him is the return of all of you; it is a promise of Allah in truth. Lo! He produceth creation, then reproduceth it, that He may reward those who believe and do good works with equity; while, as for those who disbelieve, theirs will be a boiling drink and painful doom because they disbelieved.
10:45 And on the day when He shall gather them together, (when it will seem) as though they had tarried but an hour of the day, recognising one another, those will verily have perished who denied the meeting with Allah and were not guided [1].
Then the first song starts, which primarily consists of repeating "Burn the Quran!" in English.  The other songs all contain a "head-chopping/stoning" level of criticism of Islam and the Quran.  Numbers like "Islamic Lies" and "When Islam Brainwashed Mankind" continue to drive the point in.  I find it also interesting how all of the lyrics are in English.  If they were making this music for converting the supposedly brainwashed masses of Islam, wouldn't it be more effective if sung in Arabic?  I also enjoy the grammatically incorrect title of the demo.

Burning Quran Ceremony
  1. Burn The Pages Of Quran
  2. Islamic Lies
  3. Arise
  4. Tribute To Nargaroth
  5. When Islam Brainwashed Makind (Outro)


  1. The more I research into this, the more and more I realize this is a total hoax. The internet is a hotbed of misinformation.

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