Monday, March 4, 2013

Q&A - Science Vs. Religion (2013)

"One of the things that has concerned me in the last few years is there's been a real debate that essentially discredits science by saying that scientists are self interested, that the reason that people are researching climate change is that there is something in it for them and the practical impact of that really worries me because it allows people to ignore the vast body of scientific evidence, in an area like climate change, and cling to "Well, you know I don't feel hotter today than I did yesterday so its obviously made up."  The example in Queensland that really worried me recently was the Queensland government giving permission to local councils to stop putting fluoride in water.  Now, the biggest health intervention in dental care in Australia for decades is putting fluoride in water.  Any dentist you talk to can tell you who grew up in Queensland where they've had less fluoride in the water, they've got a mouth full of fillings compared with people who've grown up with fluoride and it drives me nuts that we've got people in the Queensland Parliament saying, one guy who's a bodybuilder in the Queensland Parliament, that he would rather take banned substances for a year than drink a glass of water with fluoride in it.  It's nuts." - Tanya Plibersek, Australian Minister for Health


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